Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's about time!

I couldn't possibly post all the pic of stuff that we have missed. (Thanks to Phil and Annie, BTW, for loaning us a USB cable.) I will just post a few of the cutest!! Makenna can sit up now! She is getting so darn big and will be 7 months tomorrow. I busted out Gavin's excersaucer for her and Gavin thinks that he needs to sit in it all the time.

We went to Seven Peaks for a reunion and Makenna loved the water and then posing on the grass. Later, Gavin found a motorcycle just his size at Papa Steve's and Grandma Carlin's house! Gavin is feeling much better now that we have had him on a Gluten Free diet, but we started re-introducing wheat into his diet yesterday to see if he has another reaction. If so, the Dr. will scope him to see if it is really Celiac. And yes, we are out of our minds, but we got a new puppy. Dustin's grandpa gave him to us and his name is Milo. So, we have been pretty busy this summer and there has never been a dull moment. I will try to keep this thing more updated from now on!! Love from the Winegars!!

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