Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Yes, we are still alive.

I have to apologize upfront for the lack of pictures in this post. The only free-time I have to blog is at work, so I don't have access to my pics. However, as it has been nearly 2 months since our last post, and we keep getting asked about it, I figured I had better forgo the pictures and update you on the wild and crazy thing that is life for the Winegars. All in all, not much has happened in the last 2 months that normal people would consider exciting. However, this is Dustin and Trine we are talking about, and run-of-the-mill just isn't our style. The first thing I want to touch on is our new illness. Dustin caught it first and was having trouble for a couple weeks before I caught the bug. The kids are too young to be affected. What the heck am I talking about? You ask? Friends!!! You got to be kidding me!!! I always vowed that I would never watch it. It was too trendy and the names Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler and Ross made me cringe. Dustin too. However, Dustin was feeding Makenna a bottle one night and it came on. The remote wasn't nearby, and he didn't want to disturb her, so he watched it. It was the one where Ross said Rachel at his and Emily's wedding. It was a continue episode, so he had to watch it again the next day to see what happened. He was a lost cause. He then called his sister Stacy, to ask if he could borrow season 1, and he convinced me to watch it with him. Needless to say, we have now watched all 10 seasons, I cried during several of them, and we are now beginning our own collection. I even ordered Scene It, the Friends edition on Amazon.com yesterday. So, we are up for a game night if anyone is interested!!!

Dustin has gotten his certification to teach the Basic Pistol course. He says it is a really fun class and is great to take in addition to the Concealed Carry Class. He will be certified for the Concealed Carry in a few more weeks. He is very excited about these classes and I am so proud of him for this accomplishment!! He also bought a new gun at the Gun Show this last Saturday. It is a revolver ( a .357 Magnum I think) and it is a CUTE little gun!! We are hoping to go try it out this Saturday.

We will be celebrating our 5th Anniversary this Friday, on the 26th. I can't believe it has been 5 years already. I am so lucky to be married to Dustin, he is such a great husband and Daddy and my best friend. We go to Red Lobster every year for our anniversary dinner. This year is no exception and I am incredibly excited to not have to count points for a night and just eat what I want!! ( I have been on Weight Watchers for the last 3 months and have lost 27 LBS yay!!! But I am looking forward to a splurge!!)

Gavin is doing so much better now that he is on a gluten-free diet. I have said it before, but he seems to be an entirely different little boy. He started Toddler Classes with his speech therapy program. He goes every Wednesday for 90 minutes. I do not stay. It was hard to leave him that first time. but, his teacher says he is doing a lot better than most of the kids who are new. She also says that he can talk to in sign language, almost in complete sentences!! What a smarty!! He has more recently started to actually say a few more words, and he is trying to talk aloud now, where before, we were lucky to get signs from him. I am so proud of Gavin!! He is such a good boy and is so loving and helpful!! (most of the time)

And Makenna, she just keeps growing and growing. I wish she would stop. She crawls so fast and is in to EVERYTHING!! She is still such a happy little girl and she makes me laugh all the time. She will be 9 months next week and still no teeth, but she is pulling up on the furniture and wants to follow Gavin up the stairs so badly!! She is such a little cuddle bug and I love to watch her and Gavin play and make each other laugh!!

So, that's it for my novel. I am sure there is more that has been going on, but I can't think right now. As soon as I get a moment while the kids are both asleep, I promise to post pictures!! All our love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yah Trine! It's nice to hear what's going on. But i guess we already new all that since we see ya, but still yah! You have such a cute family. Tell Dustin I like his wisdom!