Monday, October 13, 2008

Goofy Gavin

My little Gavin is not so little anymore. Anytime he sees the camera, he starts pulling silly faces. I don't think I will be getting a normal smile out of him for awhile. But, considering that he used to scowl at the camera, I will take what I can get!! He went swimming for the first time this summer and wasn't so sure about it at first. However, after a little while in his float tube, he became more laid back! Gavin loves radios. He has two in his room and will not go to bed without both of them actually on and playing. He used to try to carry them all over the house, but after tripping on the cord, and rolling down the stairs ( Gavin) I decided that enough was enough. Luckily, we found a little radio, that actually works at Walmart. Now, he can carry that around all he wants and there are no cords to trip him up. For $2.50, it was totally worth it!!! He also thinks that it is great fun to stick his face in his food and eat like a puppy. Hence, he always has more dinner on his face, than I think ended up in his belly. We are working on breaking that new habit, however cute it was the first couple times. He is super tall and is saying more words every day. His speech therapist absolutley raves about how stinkin' smart he is. Maybe we are lucky that he isn't talking yet, I'm really worried about what he may have picked up!! We are so excited for all the progress that he has made and are so thrilled with how happy he is lately. He is such a goof and we have so much fun with him. We love you Gavin Boy!!
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